jeudi 30 décembre 2010

The good, The neutral and The fugly

Forget about these words in their original meaning. Now think of the client.
Which one would you like to encounter? I guess most marketers would
like to meet the first one, and even the second if there's no else possibilty.
But I have a different choise. I'd take the last one, the "fugly".
You may perhaps not find this word in most dictionnaries. But the word as I found it
in a certain webside, which I think is one of my favourite sites, means "fantastically
The fugly client is someone who really wanna buy your product, but he needs to be
more convinced. You may do all you think, but if your message is not highly thought
in order to reach his expectations, then forget about it. You'll never get him.
The fugly client is the one who once you've caught him, he/she represents the larger percentage
of your portfolio. Once convinced, the fugly client won't leave your product even when shaked
by crazy events.
Conversely, the first two are those who pay and leave as soon as they've bought your product.

samedi 25 décembre 2010


Un jour vous rêvez d'une vie merveilleuse. Vous faites des plans pour l'avenir. Tout a l'air radieux et souriant. L'avenir est bien promettant. Sans doute vous n'entrerez pas la trentaine sans avoir réalisé vos projets.

Vous vous êtes accab...lé des principes et des lois, dont la plupart peut-être pas utiles.

Et du coup, l'orage!

Tout s'en va, tout n'est plus, sauf peut-être et bien sûr, dans la mémoire.

Où vous en êtes vous ne savez plus. Nulle part, partout, ailleurs...

Ce monde imprévu!!!

Cette vie inédite!!!

Ces valeurs étouffantes!!!

Que simplicité pleuve au prix du charme de l' l'envie, et d'avantage l'envie...

Nul ne saura combien c'est beau de vivre simple et léger...

Sans encombre, sans braquage aucun.