Live the life of your dreams as much as you can
You have a life full of dreams that you have to live. How many of you just felt that those dreams will never come true? If you've ever thought so, make sure you're doing what others before have done and they just realized they were wrong. If you never dreamed you'll never make projects, you'll never aim a goal. If you have no goal, you can't move for an ambition. There'll never come happiness to you. The time given to you is a time to make sure that you have dreams for your life, and those dreams constitute the mission of your life. You got to arrange your dream and take off any kind of disorder you find inside of your dream system. Also very importantly, you need to choose well your thoughts.Choose wisely your thoughts. Not only good thought become things, but also bad thoughts do. When you build up your dream system, know which thoughts are you choosing to shape your aimings. Who are you networking with is also an other factor that influences the dreams of your life. There are fellows that you don't need to walk with anymore. You got to remove them from your network, or at least leave their network. They are people who always do things that are designed to make you upset. Things that affect your life, you health, your well-being. People who ruin your existence and take off your entire pleasure to live. Whoever you meet in your life has to have a positive contribution in your life. Otherwise, it'd be better for you to walk alone. Someone used to say: "Birds of a feather flock together". It's true. You cannot spend all your time walking with losers. The result is that you'll also end up a loser. Every single second that you breath means your life. The question is how do you use those hundreds of seconds that are given to you. Have you lost the agenda of your life? Many people never understand where they are now, what they are doing or becoming because they've lost the agenda of their life. Then they begin to do everything wrongfully. That's true, you can unconsciously be doing beautidfully wrong things. Ladies and gents, if you never keep in mind what the agenda of life stands for, you'll never come where you go. Always, consulting your agenda will provide you the benefic reason of pursuing the road of achieving the dreams of your life. It will help adjust your eyes and enhance your vision despite circumstances. The other factors that raises doubt in some people and prevent them from achieving their life's dreams, is fear. Someone said: "I've heard this voice. And it told the right way to go. But I was afraid". Fear is a very toxic thing. When you make goals in your life, fear is there telling you the negative thoughts. When you love someone, fear will tell you the negative on him/her. When you want to apply for a job, fear will tell you that you're not qualified for it. When you want to commit with a beautiful creature, fear will tell you that you're so ugly to approach him/her. Whatever fear you feel in front of a given situation(of all mentioned above), you'll be shocked to know that there only exist two kinds of fear. The fear of success and the one of failure. People fear to succeed. They think they're not worthy and only others deserve the best. You tell them, this is how it functions, all you need is to be there. And they say, you know these things are not for people like us. Without knowing whoever you are, ladies and gents, I know that you have unique potentials and abilities that you've even not started to explore. You got to believe in yourself and say it is possible. If you fail, don't get bitter. We all learn from our failures. You got to practice constantly to make improvement. If you review all of these factors, of course there could be more, but these are the most significant, it will be easier for you to effectively live the life that has been dedicated to you.
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